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--南方医科大学皮肤病医院(广东省皮肤病医院) 发布时间:2024/6/26    【访问量:3209】 --


本硕毕业于西安交通大学临床医学7年制,博士毕业于香港中文大学。长期从事肠道微生态与消化道肿瘤相关研究。从2017年至今已发表SCI论文23篇。文章总影响因子(IF2022)307.354分,单篇最高影响因子50.3分,被引用次数10195次。以第一或共同第一作者在Cancer Cell(2023),Gastroenterology-封面文章(2021),Gut(2022)等期刊发表论文。主持香港健康与医学基金(HMRF),香港研资局博士后基金(RGC)等课题,累计以PI身份获得经费270余万港币。研究成果多次在DDW,IDDF等国际会议汇报。荣获中国肠道大会优秀口头汇报奖。现为Gut, Gut microbes, Frontiers in Immunology审稿人。


As First/ ^co-first author;*corresponding author

1. Li Q, Chan H, Liu WX, Liu CA, Zhou YF, Huang D, Liu WYZ, Wang XS, Ng SK, Zhao LY, Fong W, Liu XD, Chen HR, Zhang L, Wong SH, Chan MTV, Wu WKK, Yu J. Carnobacterium maltaromaticum enhances intestinal Vitamin D production to suppress female colorectal cancer. Cancer Cell.2023 [IF2022 = 50.3] 
2. Li Q, Hu W, Liu WX, Zhao LY, Huang D, Liu XD, Chan H, Zhang Y, Zeng JD, Coker OO, Kang W, Ng SSM, Zhang L, Wong SH, Gin T, Chan MTV*, Wu JL*, Yu J*, Wu WKK*. Streptococcus thermophilus inhibits colorectal tumorigenesis through secreting β-galactosidase. Gastroenterology 160(4):1179-1193.e14.[IF2022= 29.4] [Cover story]
3. Sugimura N^, Li Q^, Chu ESH, Lau HCH, Fong W, Liu WX, Liang C, Nakatsu G, Su ACY, Coker OO, Wu KKW, Chan FKL*, Yu J*, Lactobacillus gallinarum modulates the gut microbiota and produces anti-cancer metabolites to protect against colorectal tumorigenesis. Gut 2021. [IF2022 = 24.5]
4. Li WY^, Li Q^, Jing L, Wu T, Han LL, Wang Y, Yu SZ, Nan KJ, Guo H*. P57-mediated autophagy promotes the efficacy of EGFR inhibitors in hepatocellular carcinoma. Liver Int, 2018 Sep 4. [IF2022 = 6.7]
5. Li Q^, Wu T^, Ma XA^, Jing L, Han LL, Guo H*. Prognostic Role of ABO Blood Group in Patients with Unresectable Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Transarterial Chemoembolization, Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2018;14:991-998. [IF2022 = 2.8]
6. Li Q^, Wu T^, Jing L, Li MJ, Tian T, Ruan ZP, Liang X, Nan KJ, Liu ZY, Yao Y, Guo H*. Angiogenesis inhibitors for the treatment of small cell lung cancer (SCLC): a meta-analysis of 7 randomized controlled trials, Medicine, 2017 Mar;96(13):e6412. [IF2022 = 1.6] 
7. Fong W, Li Q, Lau HCH, Kang X, Liu WX, Ji FF, Sung JJY, Yu J. Lactobacillus gallinarum-derived metabolites boost anti-PD1 efficacy in colorectal cancer by inhibiting regulatory T cells through modulating IDO1/Kyn/AHR axis. Gut 2023. [IF2022 = 24.5]
8. Chan H, Li Q, Wang X, Liu Y, Hu W, Zeng J, Xie C, Kwong NYK, Ho IHT, Liu X, Chen H, Yu J, Ko H, Chan RCY, Ip M, Gin T, Cheng ASL, Zhang L, Chan MTV, Wong SH, Wu WKK. Vitamin D3 and carbamazepine protect against Clostridioides difficile infection in mice by restoring macrophage lysosome acidification. Autophagy 2022doi: 10.1080/15548627.2021.2016004. [IF2022 = 13.3]
9. Fong W, Li Q, Yu, J. Gut microbiota modulation: a novel strategy for prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer. Oncogene 39, 4925–4943 (2020). [IF2022 = 8] 
10. Ho J^, Chan H^, Liang Y^, Liu X^, Zhang L^, Li Q, Zhang Y, Zeng J, Ugwu FN, Ho IHT, Hu W, Yau JCW, Wong SH, Wong WT, Ling L, Cho CH, Gallo RL, Gin T, Tse G, Yu J, Chan MTV, Leung CCH, Wu WKK (2020) Cathelicidin preserves intestinal barrier function in polymicrobial sepsis. Crit Care 24(1):47. [IF2022 = 15.1]
11. Doung PLWA, Chan RH, Wu KK*, Li Q*. Gut microbiota modulation: Probiotics and Prebiotics in GI cancer. In: Microbiome in Gastrointestinal Cancer Springer Nature [In press]

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